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HLMMAUrL2 / Para: e63ilnbaKG4b
em 22/11/2015 17:37

Hi Angela wonderful topic! I will be fowlnliog up this article with a post dedicated to the rules that are currently being used on-line and in Social Media. I'm sure it's going to be a winner. This post really resonated with me in a neon-fl

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VIRKNavvwBI / Para: 7nLMcKTt
em 20/11/2015 09:51

/ Not bad. There used to be a PUA named Stephane who specialized in this sort of thing. Give her a new name, new world. He flew off the map about 4 years ago. I'd like to see you post more on your bueissns and lifestyle material. You've be

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utGVGXShLmro / Para: VYd4Z4bW0Ifk
em 14/11/2015 09:19

There's nothing hoiler-than-thou about differing over the best places to put one's energies in order to make social change. Your enthusiasm for social entrepreneurship and other private-sector-flavored remedies--which I infer from the frequency an

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oRXawE02bw3 / Para: iGqGilSIYY
em 14/11/2015 01:48

Podcast demorou, mas saiu! \o/Muito louco esse, mas eu acho que voceas deievram ter se concentrado mais em coisas e tradie7f5es natalinas que eu nunca entendi, como deixar leite com biscoitos pro Papai Noel, ele ter de entrar pela chamine9, pendurar

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Robson / Para: todos
em 28/09/2012 08:35

Muito legal esse blog Olhem esse blog tambem, valeu!!!

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Hildegrim / Para: Dora
em 09/08/2011 21:03

Muito legal o seu blog, espero que voce visite o meu, e se possível vamos trocar links, divulgar a Palavra é o mais importante. Deus te abençoe.

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Sonia / Para: Dora
em 23/10/2010 11:42

Estou sempre visitando esse blog para minha pesquisas.abraço

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