Mural de Recados
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4AtLFubQF / Para: bWB90yyJw1
em 26/04/2016 19:33

Doar mi se par incarcate si atat de &#ee;gr3oai9'? Mie au inceput sa-mi placa bisericile alea simple, spatioase, fara vitralii, frmos amenajate si ingrijite, putin ornamentate. Ce-i drept mai rar gasesti asemenea bisericii la ortodocsi si la cata

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jod7swxBD9 / Para: rjxJ8Ql9vmAt
em 25/04/2016 21:12

Aw shucks! I was just ubeernr-vous that no one would show up, and wanted to make sure that everyone who DID make it out there was appreciated! While I met Retro Roadhusband in real life, we did a lot of our :courtin: online, and now 12+ yrs later I h

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tJCWOdqN / Para: Xe3gblEyTvU
em 25/04/2016 13:47

Si tu savais comme Ma#ker167;Sp&ncer me manque. A la sortie de boulot, j'allais souvent traîner là-bas. Je note ces biscuits avec les cranberries. J'ai fait les gingerbread men de Pascale pour la classe de Liz et les enfants ont adoré. Les milli

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osVA8e8ede / Para: CpFfY3CT
em 24/04/2016 00:42

"All of us have had trouble finding steady work"Jake, what did you major in? What part of the country are you in?"it particularly effected college grooaates&quut;Ydu mean affected, not effective. Don't make mistakes like that on

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em 17/04/2016 02:42

este blog ainda funciona ?

em 11/01/2015 13:06

Vou fazer 18 em março. Posso fazer a Terminalidade ?

evaldo almeida / Para: todos
em 14/08/2014 20:46

lugar de reclamar sobre algo errado nas repartiçoes,sejam publicas ou privadas,é no Ministerio Publico,no Forum,ou abrir uma acusação civil na delegacia mais proxima,pedir que os responsaveis sejam penalizado,seja de hospital,clinica,prefeitura,polic

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